Discussion for Web design for the Sony PSP
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RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by Stuart on 2006-03-01 at 09:00:26 (GMT)
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to serve a movie directly to a psp from a web page. Seeing as movie files have reside in a specific location I doubt they will run from the browsers cache. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-03-03 at 19:18:25 (GMT)
Not as far as I know, no. Google movies offers files in the PSP's MPEG4 format, but even then they're just for download, I don't think it supports direct embedding or streaming.
You could maybe have a look at its RSS/podcasting support - maybe that can handle video as well as audio?
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by kryptokatalyst on 2006-03-14 at 21:29:49 (GMT)
Does the code in the section titled "Generating PSP-specific content" direct a user to the PSP version of a website automatically if they are using a PSP to browse? That is, for example, if a user goes to my .com address, and is using a PSP, will this code allow me to automatically direct them to the PSP version of my .com?
If so, where can I learn more about implementing this. If not, is there any code that will allow me to do that? Thanks.
Great article btw.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-03-17 at 21:34:50 (GMT)
You can easily adapt that to the task - using the PHP
condition, and inside that put aheader()
to set the location to your PHP-specific page. -
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by Simon Belmont on 2006-03-22 at 14:41:59 (GMT)
Do you know if the web browser has been upgraded at all since it was introduced in version 2.0 of the firmware?
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-03-26 at 00:46:33 (GMT)
I don't think so. At least, I'm running 2.6 and I've not noticed any changes.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by xtoph on 2006-03-27 at 18:32:45 (GMT)
That colored strip you see when you press the square is not just a mode indicator... I'm not near the PSP so some of this may be slightly inaccurate but here are some tips:
* Each color in the strip is a separate tab. Links set to open in a new window automatically open into a new tab; holding down square while X-ing a link also does this.
* Rotate between tabs using the shoulder buttons with the square held down. The widest color strip is the current tab.
* Each tab can be manually set to open a different link or bookmark as well.
* Watch the color of the current tab "fill in" from left to right -- this is a progress indicator.
The problem with all this is the "out of memory" errors you get when PSP browsing... it seems whatever memory there is gets divided among open tabs, so these errors become even more frequent with multiple pages open at once.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-04-04 at 15:01:09 (GMT)
Thanks for that info, that's very helpful
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-05-08 at 18:12:22 (GMT)
Browser udpate head's up - Hayden Porter has mailed to let me know there's a 2.7 firmware update now available which includes the new Flash player.
It remains to be seen how powerful/up-to-date it is, and what else this update includes; I'll update the article just as soon as I know more, including a means of detecting the Flash player (assuming I can find one
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-05-10 at 06:22:46 (GMT)
I've just published an update to this article, in summary:
* the new Flash player in the 2.7 firmware update, and how to detect it
is supported after all, but it has a very weird behavioral quirk* the PSP's two unique headers are not present with the 2.0 firmware
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by anon on 2006-06-02 at 09:13:15 (GMT)
It seems a little unreasonable that media can't be embedded in a html page for the PSP. I was particularly interested in serving videos and audio files. Do you know any good resources re: the RSS channels and serving media? It might sound like I'm lazy, but I've only got hours here and there to work with this. Very useful article by the way.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by Ron on 2006-07-15 at 10:55:56 (GMT)
I have a comment for the font sizes. I used some php to check the integer values from 1-50 for 'px', 'em', 'pt', 'mm' and 'pc'. The easiest one to use is 'mm'. The 'mm' values for the five PSP font sizes are: 1-3, 4, 5, 6-7, 8-.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by Dave on 2006-07-29 at 09:38:15 (GMT)
Importing movies into flash and exporting to .swf don't seem to play on the PSP browser yet. You can hear the audio, but that's it. Unless I've done something wrong..
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by Jörg Schnettker on 2006-08-28 at 11:58:02 (GMT)
I want to make http://www.videospiele.com better for psp User. Is it easier to make a new CSS or are tables better for the layout (örks)?
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by brothercake on 2006-09-05 at 01:11:03 (GMT)
The PSP has excellent CSS support (much better than Internet Explorer!) and CSS layouts are no problem; there's no need to resort to layout tables.
Download the test zipfile that goes with this article, there are a couple of demos in there of two-column CSS layouts designed for the PSP.
RE: Web design for the Sony PSP
Posted by serg on 2007-02-26 at 15:23:06 (GMT)
I am interested in hosting video downloads on a website designed specifically for psp but am unsure as to how to make downloading video files easier for people. i.e. let people simply click the link while browsing on the psp and the download dialogue appearing to allow them to save to the psp. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
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