Discussion for Docking boxes (dbx)
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Welcome to dbx3!
Posted by brothercake on 2009-03-26 at 02:13:49 (GMT)
Welcome to dbx3! I can't tell you what a joy (and a relief!) it is to finally have this released, after more than two years
It hasn't actually taken two years' constant development to make this, that would be ridiculous, but I've been so busy and distracted over the last 12 months in particular, it's been really hard to find the time.
But now it's finally here, I hope you feel it's been worth the wait. There probably are a few little teething troubles here and there, and so I shouldn't be surprised if 3.1 follows quite closely behind. As ever - any problems or bugs you find, comments or feedback in general, please do let me know
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by Chippie on 2009-03-26 at 07:40:37 (GMT)
Sheer brilliance!
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by 200ok on 2009-03-26 at 12:30:43 (GMT)
That's seriously cool!
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by Marilou on 2009-03-29 at 02:31:07 (GMT)
Great work. For those of us using the very most basic functionality of the older version and who don't need any new features yet. Do you suggest we upgrade to 3.0? I assume 3.0 has a big javascript to download and so might be a bit slower for some users. Marilou
Reasons to upgrade
Posted by brothercake on 2009-03-31 at 17:42:54 (GMT)
A reason to upgrade would be the improvements in browser support, particularly (to my mind anyway) the fixed conflict with spatial navigation in Opera, but also the added support for all the other browsers that have come out in the meantime; I can't guarantee that v2 works in, for example, IE8 or Safari 3 or 4.
But apart from that, no, there's no particular need to upgrade if you don't need any of the new features.
Oh, and thanks for the feedback guys, glad you like it
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by Marilou on 2009-04-02 at 03:13:01 (GMT)
If I start to use v3 do I need to make any changes to the code that I already have or do I just need to make calls to the new v3 javascripts?
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by steve on 2009-04-02 at 21:09:56 (GMT)
I'm glad you didnt shutter the site some years ago!
This new script is a joy to behold
umm.. you take the cake, brother! -
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by brothercake on 2009-04-06 at 17:38:42 (GMT)
@Marilou - I designed v3 to be backwardly compatible, so you should just be able to replace your dbx.js script and it will continue to work exactly the same. Let us know if you have any problems.
@steve - Yeah I don't know what came over me then. Thanks for your support
Open/remove boxes request help thing ;p
Posted by Tom on 2009-04-25 at 15:06:41 (GMT)
Excellent script! I am looking at the ajax addremove demo, I want something like this, but retrieving/removing boxes from DIV on page, rather than inc.files due to some other scripts running side-by-side. How do I do this? Have tried with the ajax approach addremove, but because I am loading yet another ajax retrieval inside the boxes, I am unable to make use of this. So if you could help out a lame javascripter, and create another demo where boxes are retrieved/closed from DIV's, I would be ooooh so grateful ;)
RE: Docking boxes (dbx)
Posted by Marilou on 2009-04-27 at 04:00:30 (GMT)
I see the javascript in the demo is placed at the end of your html. I guess it's so the dom is ready before the script runs. Can you suggest some code that I can use to delay running the script until after the dom has loaded? I see there are a few different scripts out there like jquery, the one you use for iotbs and moo tools. Not sure which is best.
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