Discussion for domFunction

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  1. # RE: domFunction: error handling

    Posted by Morgan Knicely on 2006-02-21 at 01:24:03 (GMT)

    I've noticed that if I use domFunction to call a function that has bugs, the script will loop endlessly inserting error messages in the console as it goes. Eeek! Example:

    function snafu() {
    var foobar = new domFunction(function() {

    So I added a try...catch statement to the portion of domFunction that executes the desired code. Change lines 57-58 of the original script:

                //we can call the argument function and clear the timer
                if(!c) { f(); clearInterval(t); }

                //we can call the argument function and clear the timer
                if(!c) {
                    try {
                    } catch(err) {
                        alert('Error: ' + err.description);

    What do you think of the change? I'm looking into making the alert message more informative, and possibly routing it to the Firefox console when available.

  2. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by brothercake on 2006-02-22 at 08:10:28 (GMT)

    What do you think of the change? I'm looking into making the alert message more informative, and possibly routing it to the Firefox console when available.

    I like it  (thumbs-up) I've noticed the same problem, and it can be rather insane, as it loops through the timeout throwing the same error into the console over and over again!

    But I hadn't thought of using a try{} catch{} construct .. that's probably the way to go, yeah  (smile)

  3. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by johan duflost on 2006-08-03 at 06:01:40 (GMT)


    I get this error message in firefox in the demo page:

    Error: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIDOMWindowInternal.focus]" nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/bindings/tabbrowser.xml :: setFocus :: line 753" data: no]

  4. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by brothercake on 2006-09-05 at 01:17:53 (GMT)

    That error is coming from the Firefox chrome itself; do you have an extensions installed? It's most likely coming from one of them.

  5. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by Jerome on 2006-09-09 at 17:21:36 (GMT)

    Just a small suggestion for domFunction... as .js files are loaded asynchronously it would be possible to attempt to call a function, somewhere down the callstack from domFunction, that doesn't actually exist yet. How about expanding the existence checking code to include functions?

    //if its value is "id" and the element with the given ID doesn't exist
    //or its value is "tag" and the specified collection has no members
        (a[i] == 'id' && document.getElementById(i) == null)
        (a[i] == 'tag' && document.getElementsByTagName(i).length < 1)
        (a[i] == 'function' && window[i])

    No need to check for all the functions you want to use, of course - just one from any .js file you rely on.

    Anyway, just a thought (haven't actually tried it yet!). Thanks for the really useful bit of code  (smile)

    P.S. Looking at the error trapping mod above, it might be slightly better to re-throw like this:

    //we can call the argument function and clear the timer
    if(!c) {
        try {
        } catch(err) {
            throw err;
        } finally {

  6. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by Jerome on 2006-09-09 at 17:24:52 (GMT)

    Oops, sorry - that should have been:

    //if its value is "id" and the element with the given ID doesn't exist
    //or its value is "tag" and the specified collection has no members
    //or its value is "function" and the specified function doesn't exist
    (a[i] == 'id' && document.getElementById(i) == null)
    (a[i] == 'tag' && document.getElementsByTagName(i).length < 1)
    (a[i] == 'function' && !window[i])

    Note the ! before window[i]

  7. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by brothercake on 2006-09-12 at 01:45:35 (GMT)

    as .js files are loaded asynchronously it would be possible to attempt to call a function, somewhere down the callstack from domFunction, that doesn't actually exist yet

    That's not true - JS files are loaded synchronously unless you use the [unreliable] "defer" attribute.

    The problem here is the structure of your codebase; you're relying on dependencies that don't exist when you need them, and that's an architecture issue - something you can resolve manually by attention to dependency structures.

    I'm guessing here that you're using a generalised framework like prototype? If so, that certainly won't make your job easier, because following dependency chains in external frameworks can be notoriously difficult (and is, in my view, a reason for not using them; but that's another argument for another time!)

    I do appreciate however that a timed solution would fix this potential issue more swiftly in specific cases, but it's really a case of patchwork, of providing a temporary solution to a problem that you'd be much better advised to address at its root.

  8. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by brothercake on 2006-09-12 at 01:47:45 (GMT)

    btw, this example:

    (a[i] == 'function' && !window[i])

    should be like this:

    (a[i] == 'function' && typeof window[i] == 'undefined')

    But even then, it would of course only work for functions in the window scope.

  9. # RE: domFunction

    Posted by brothercake on 2006-09-12 at 18:46:29 (GMT)

    Re: PS - thanks for the throw code - that's much better  (smile)

  10. # Alex

    Posted by http://www.google.com on 2007-04-23 at 00:18:46 (GMT)

    Thank You

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Discussions are usually kept open until they start getting spammed, which in practice seems to be about 2-3 weeks  (eek!)

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German translation (Translated by A.Romanova)

domFunction ist eine leicht-zu-bedienend Hilfsskript, die anderem DOM Skript erlaubt, vorher window.onload zu laufen ...

Belorussian translation (Translated by Marina)

domFunction з’яўляецца простым ў порцыі-дапаможны скрыпт, які дазваляе іншым DOM сцэнары для запуску перад window.onload ...



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