Discussion for Image Transitions 2.0
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RE: Image Transitions 2.0
Posted by brothercake on 2011-05-31 at 14:32:11 (GMT)
Welcome to Version 2
It's taken a while (!) but I'm very happy to finally be able to release this new version, and looking forward to hearing what you all think of it! Stuff you really like, or that you're not so keen on, and what kind of applications and effects you're using it for. I've included a few simple demos in the download zipfile, but I'm sure you can think of some much more interesting stuff than that
I'm also particularly keen to know what you'd like to see in future updates. One very strong possibility is to extend the functionality so that it can work on any HTML element, rather than being restricted to images. But then, conceptually, how would that work? Image swaps are a well-trodden concept, so it makes perfect sense to combine a transition with that, but what kind of general actions would go with an HTML transition -- some kind of show/hide mechanism perhaps, like tabs or expandos?
I welcome your thoughts on that, or anything else. And in the meantime, I hope you enjoy playing with the script as much as I've enjoyed making it
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