1. The Principles of Successful Freelancing
  2. Build Your Own ASP.NET 3.5 Web Site Using C# & VB
  3. Build Your Own Web Site The Right Way Using HTML & CSS
  4. Everything You Know About CSS is Wrong!
  5. Simply JavaScript
  6. Simply Rails 2
  7. The Principles of Project Management
  8. The PHP Anthology
  9. The Ultimate HTML Reference
  10. The Ultimate CSS Reference
  11. The Art & Science of JavaScript
  12. Principles of Beautiful Web Design
  13. The ASP.NET 2.0 Anthology
  14. The CSS Anthology

This demo is a simple sortable list; you can drag the links to re-order them, or tab to a link and press the arrow keys to move it up or down.

For added kicks, did you notice the opacity crossfade on the list items as they move? Turn it off and on to see the difference:

That's implemented very simply, using the API's onanimate method:

manager.onanimate = function()
	this.sourcebox.style.visibility = 'visible';
	var opacity = (1 / this.anilength) * this.anicount;
	this.sourcebox.style.opacity = opacity;
	this.clonebox.style.opacity = 1 - opacity;