dbx manual
2. Writing the CSS framework
Now we have an HTML structure
with the relevant class
names, the next thing to do is apply the
Remember as you go that the default CSS rules apply to all browsers, not just those that support the script. But not all rules apply by default — some are dynamic with state and script support, and we'll talk about those as they arise.
Core CSS
We begin with a core set of styles that must be included, which you must not neglect or override with other styles, or the script may not work at all.
There are also some strongly-recommended style restrictions, which you should avoid undermining for the sake of cross-browser stability:
.dbx-clone, .dbx-clone .dbx-handle-cursor
cursor:move !important;
margin:0 !important;
padding:0 !important;
.dbx-group, .dbx-box, .dbx-handle
DO NOT ADD padding, margins or borders to dbx-box,
to avoid layout discrepancies between it and the clone.
dbx-box is best left as visually unstyled as possible
(instead, have another element inside the box, and style that)
otherwise, do what you like :)
The restrictions are there to suppress the style properties most likely to cause problems for the script — position or size discrepancies between the static and dragable elements, rendering bugs or similar instabilities.
I've identified this, and two other specific problem areas:
Custom CSS
We've already seen
the main behavioral class
, "dbx-box"
and "dbx-content"
These can be used as design hooks as well, and are supplemented by
a range of default and state-dependent class
giving maximum control over the interface design.
All the available rule-shells are in the
stylesheet in the download package.
Here's a reference of what's available:
Box and content-area states
The dbx-box
class name is always present on boxes.
The additional box class names apply in addition
to that value, not instead.
/* boxes */
/* + boxes when open */
/* + boxes when closed */
/* + boxes in their focus state
[when handle/anchor has the keyboard focus] */
/* + boxes in their hover state
[when mouse is over handle/anchor] */
/* + boxes in their active state
[when mouse or key is down on handle/anchor] */
/* + target boxes
[when identified as a target for swap or insertion, before movement occurs] */
Note that the "dbx-box-target"
class is incredibly transient
during normal movement, since it only applies in the short window of
time between a target being selected and the movement actually occurring,
a matter of milli-seconds.
It exists mainly to ensure backward compatibiliity with dbx2, and has been
superceded by the use of dialog classes.
Boxes can also be identifed as ungrabbable, meaning that they can be targets
for swap or insertion, but they cannot be grabbed or moved directly.
Such boxes have an additional "dbx-nograb"
/* + boxes that cannot be grabbed */
The show/hide behaviors work by appending the
or -closed
name to the relevant box, so how it actually
comes out is up to you, defined using descendent selectors from those
rules. An obvious choice would be to use display:block
when the box is open and display:none
when it's closed.
/* inner content area */
/* [inner content area when the box is open] */
.dbx-box-open .dbx-content
/* [inner content area when the box is closed] */
.dbx-box-closed .dbx-content
The handle class is static (since you add it yourself) and therefore applies to all browsers. But the handle cursor class is added by the script, only if the script is supported.
/* handles */
/* + handle cursors */
The obvious choice for this is to use the
cursor, to indicate that the object is draggable:
/* + handle cursors */
Toggle buttons
Toggle buttons have four possible states: box is open, box is closed, toggle has the focus and box is open, and toggle has the focus and box is closed.
Toggles are either anchors or buttons (depending on the value you set for
toggle button element type),
and if they're anchors, then for the sake of cross-browser stability
you should define each state in its :visited
as well.
/* toggle links or buttons */
.dbx-toggle, .dbx-toggle:visited
/* + open */
.dbx-toggle-open, .dbx-toggle-open:visited
/* + closed */
.dbx-toggle-closed, .dbx-toggle-closed:visited
/* + open and highlighted */
.dbx-toggle-hilite-open, .dbx-toggle-hilite-open:visited
/* + closed and highlighted */
.dbx-toggle-hilite-closed, .dbx-toggle-hilite-closed:visited
background:url(images/purple-toggle.gif) no-repeat;
background-position:0 0;
background-position:0 -20px;
background-position:-20px 0;
background-position:-20px -20px;
The absolute positioning on the toggle places it at the origin of its parent handle, which is relatively-positioned.
Keyboard navigation tooltips
Since browsers don't normally show title
tooltips when an element receives the focus, the script implements
informational tooltips itself. These are created as a singe
element appended to the
group container, with the class
/* keyboard navigation tooltip */
The tooltips are assumed to have absolute positioning,
and positioned by the script to the origin
of the box using left
and top
so you should not set those values yourself.
To control the position of the tooltip
relative to the box, use margin
The best way to style them visually is using
CSS2 System Colors so that they
match your end-user's GUI,
and this is what I've done in the main main demo.
If you're happy with that,
there's no need to change it, apart from adjusting the width
to suit your average text, and the
to place it where you want it relative to the box:
/* keyboard navigation tooltip with CSS2 system colors */
margin:100px 0 0 0;
border:1px solid InfoText;
padding:2px 4px 3px 5px;
The clones are duplicates of the boxes, which you see when performing a drag operation or when animation occurs — the real boxes never move, they only re-arrange their node order at the end of each operation.
You can apply additional styles to the clones to give them a slightly varied appearance:
/* + clone styles
[a clone is a dbx-box with this additional class] */
Nothing is really necessary here, but I've used a small amount of opacity just to give them that extra touch of coolness:
/* + clone styles */
In addition the the basic clone class, there are two additional classes
(applied in addition to "dbx-clone"
) which indicate what type of clone it
is. There's a class for drag-clones (the clone that you're holding when
you move boxes with the mouse), and a class for animation clones (the clone that
see moving when animation occurs).
/* + additional drag clone styles
[a drag clone is a dbx-clone with this additional class] */
/* + additional animation clone styles
[a animation clone is a dbx-clone with this additional class] */
There are also clone classes that apply to dialog elements.
A dialog is the element that indicates a target for
confirm-based orientations,
and its class
name further indicates whether or not
the target is allowed.
You can see this in action in the rules demo
/* + additional dialog styles
[a dialog is also a clone, but it has no content] */
/* + dialog that indicates position is not allowed */
/* + dialog that indicates position is allowed */